Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm in Seattle!

A lot of frustration later, I'm here. The flat tire last night on pitch black US 19 at 9:00 didn't stop me - the fact that my printer had no printers didn't stop me (I'll just have to find a Kinko's - since Seattle is world headquarters for Kinko's - shouldn't be a problem!). Even Tropical Storm Fay cooperated - it was a beautiful day to fly out of Tampa and my flight to Denver couldn't have been lovelier. I even got almost an entire dog sweater knit while on planes today:

I'm going to do some overstitching argyle work on it - I think it will be pretty.

So let's talk about getting to Seattle - I could talk about the $55 cab ride, I could even talk about my Inn - the College Inn, built in 1909, no elevator, check-in on the 4th floor, no help with bags. Thank God I'm so young and fit! hahahahahahaha But I made it, and after trudging to the 4th floor and checking in and paying for tonight, Wed, Thurs, Sat., Sun., & Mon - but wait, isn't something missing? Why yes - they have no room for me for Friday! No worries - I now have a reservation at the Artic Club Hotel in downtown Seattle, just blocks away from the waterfront. It was built in 1917 and has just been completely restored. Here is the facade that it is famour for:

I'm really excited about it - it's not really too expensive, although a lot more than College Inn. But it has a bathroom in the room!!!!! Not to worry though, the bathroom here is just right across the hall. It really is a pretty great adventure.

And I can talk about trudging up stairs and no bathroom and no restaurant, but I don't think I've mentioned the fabulous queen bed. There is no TV, but who cares - there isn't anything to watch anyway - I just end up yelling at the Olympics coverage!

But I have saved the best for last - here is the best part of my room:

I adore it - no air-conditioning, just three big windows opened to 60's fresh air overlooking some beautiful swaying trees in front of one of the University of Washington's smaller buildings. It is lightly raining and I think I am going to get a fabulous night's sleep. It's 8:30 pm here, but 11:30 in Florida so I think I'm going to get started on that. Night

Sunday, August 17, 2008

OMG! I'm injured!

I tried to take a photo of my knitting injury, but it just didn't come out - the cellulite kept getting in the way! This is how it happened: I was knitting along happily the dog sweater I call Hearts and Stripes Forever, so obviously there are stripes - so, it comes time to change colors and I snip the yarn I'm working with - but, oh no! I also snipped my leg! Who knew I had a pair of scissors in the house that is sharp enough to cut through flesh - I would have bet the farm that especially my knitting scissors wouldn't cut paper! So there it is, I now have a pretty deep V-shaped cut on my thigh. I immediately applied a pressure bandage and left it on til this morning. It did close so I changed the bandage. Dr. Cathy took care of it! Surgery averted!

So, you say, where is this dog sweater that was worthy of such a knitting accident? Voila'

Called Hearts and Stripes Forever because of the red and turquoise stripes and the red heart buttons. This photo doesn't do justice. I can hardly wait to get a model to try it on. There are two in the neighborhood I'm going to ask - a maltese and a weiner dog.

Dog sweaters are fun! Too bad Buffy and Ronda don't need one. Maybe I'll have to take them somewhere this winter where it is cold so I can make sweaters for them. Is that sick?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Time for some more FO's

Finished Objects for those not in on knitspeak. I've been on a tear lately, so here are photos of my projects - DONE!

This is my new Buddy! It was originally started for another purpose (don't ask!) but has ended up as a beautiful sweater for my teddy, Buddy. You can't see it in this picture, but the left shoulder is closed with 5 little buttons - very cute. And of course, short sleeves - this is Florida! I didn't know if I would enjoy knitting with very light sock yarn, but I liked it a lot. I guess I will try a pair of socks - everybody else is knitting them.

This my Noro yarn bag - the pattern is called Earl. The yarn has been done for this bag since 2005 and has been in my closet just waiting to be sewn together. Finishing is not my favorite part, but I like it more now than I did in 2005! I added some plastic needlepoint canvass to the bottom and sides for support - otherwise it's just a limp noodle.

Got another dog sweater on the needles today. Since stuff for business is so frustrating - my knitting is keeping me sane - or at least out of the hoosgow (do people still say this?)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Banner for K9knittersUSA

Forgot to post the banner I designed for K9knittersUSA, and I promised to unveil it here! Oh well - here it is:

I like it!!!! I've ordered clothing labels that are exactly this and will be sewn in every sweater or coat sold.

Color My World!

My first dog sweater for K9knittersUSA is done! I used Ronda's dimensions because I think she is a pretty good example of a medium-size dog and it fits her to a tee. I'm so happy because I have had trouble with size in the past (Darice, are you hearing me? Send Zena's sweater back - I'm better now!). Ronda seems to like it!

It's very colorful, nothing muted about this sweater! I think it should make people smile, especially if they see a doggy prancing about on a cold, dreary, winter's day, sporting this bright sweater. I knit it with a cotton blend yarn because so many people are hating wool these days - too itchy -and if they think it's too itchy, they probably will think their dog will find it itchy, too. It's very easy care yarn. And I'm happy with the way it turned out - now for a Navy all-ribbed number!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Athletes - YES! China - NO!

I wrote this and published it in a column on Newsvine.com, but it was too hard for my friends to see, so I have republished it here. Normally, pretty much all I talk about here is knitting - but since this is my forum, here it is - feel free to comment.

Athletes - YES! China - NO!
News Type: Event — Thu Aug 7, 2008 9:44 AM EDT
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I am sitting here in a Starbucks in Ocala, FL with steam coming out my ears. Hearing about Joey Cheek's visa being refused by the Chinese govt. for reasons they say they don't have to give, has motivated me to speak out like I have never done before. The Chinese govt. thinks this Olympics is all about them and the "show" they are preparing to carefully craft their image to the world. Things like media having certain internet sites blocked, training young Chinese women to be mass-produced Stepford Wife-like "hostesses, and our own President's refusal to acknowledge the politicizing of these athletic competitions have tainted my excitement about the Olympics - and believe me - I was excited. Every Olympics I can remember, has found me glued to the TV every moment I haven't had to work, sleep, or take care of children. I will have a hard time being enthusiastic tomorrow night watching the opening ceremonies. The delicate dance of the Chinese will only serve to remind me of the heavy-handed hammering the Chinese govt. is not only capable of, but demonstrating before our very eyes.
I can only hope and pray that the US media finds a way to broadcast not only the facts, such as Joey Cheek's case, but the unacceptable nature of the Chinese govt.'s actions. The Olympics haven't even begun - one can only wonder what other horribleness they can come up with. After all, they have effectively controlled the competitions Joey Cheek would have competed in by not allowing him to compete - for no stated reason. He wasn't found to be taking performance-enhancing drugs or anything else that would disqualify him by the Olympic committee. In fact, the Chinese govt. has disqualified a US athlete before he has even had a chance to bunk up in the Olympic village.
People - Olympic lovers everywhere - how can we stay silent?

Urban Dweller Ruffles

Are these buttons not perfect for the Urban Dwellers Ruffles project? (Known commercially as the Anthropologie City Dwellers Cardigan.) They are bamboo, are graduated in size from a large of 1 3/8" to a small of 9/16". They come in packs of 5, so maybe 5 of us could share?!

Friday, August 08, 2008

Ready for Ravelympics 2008!

As a beta member of Ravelry, I have really enjoyed this community of knitters. So it is fun and exciting to be casting on a project as the opening ceremony begins and make sure my project is done before the flame is extinguished 17 days from now. 6018 of us will be at the ready with our yarn and needles at 8pm Beijing time as the opening ceremonies begin. For me that is 8am today! Since it is 7:42am right now - I'm getting excited. All 6018 will cast on at the same time, so that means if you are on the west coast of the US, you will cast on at 5am. On the group site there is a time zone calculator to tell you when 8pm Beijing time is where you are.

This is my project - I call it the Cardithalon! The pattern's name is Hey, Teach! from Knitty, Summer 08 and was designed by the mother of a high school teacher and named in honor of her daughter. I will be participating as part of Team Tampa; 71 members here in the Tampa Bay area.

I better get in the starting blocks!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

K9knitters USA, Inc. coming to a town near you!

I said I would talk about dogs - I'm so excited to announce the pending incorporation of K9knitters USA, Inc. as a sister to the UK K9knitters that has been at work for 3 years now. I met Carrie Warr, the powerhouse behind and creator of K9knitters, on Ravelry and she has graciously allowed me to hitchhike on her work. She has over 100 knitters and raises money for 2 dog charities in the UK by knitting and selling dog sweaters and coats to the public. They also take custom orders. They have their wool donated and the knitters all donate their time. Carrie donates her time, plus postage, and other costs related - so it seems 100% of the proceeds of their sales go to the charities.

So that is what I'm going to start! And that's why I want to get up and running with my knitting machine - I don't have time to handknit dog sweaters in the quantity I want, but I sure can by using my knitting machine! I can't even tell you how excited I am about this opportunity to serve humanity by supporting mankind's best friends. Sounds lofty, but that's just how I feel about it. Even one small effort is valuable - and as anyone who has done any charity work will tell you - I'm sure I will get much more out of this than I give. It is a blessing to use my passion for the betterment of others. It's a good thing!

Here is the banner for the K9knitters website:

The Heading is:

K9 Rescue Knitting Club
A Stitch in Time Saves a K9. . .

So now I have to come up with a banner - I'll be working on that and announce it right here at Nature Coast Knitting! Watch for it -

tomorrow - 8/8/08 Ravelympics 2008!!!!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Hotelless in Seattle

What is this? This is my knitting machine - my Toyota KS901 - that I have had for 2 years and have yet to even get set up properly. It is in my office, covered with a part of a sheet leftover from the bassinet I made and the two Christmas stockings I knitted for my DS & DDIL, plus the curtain sheer for the window that is washed, but not hung.

This is my ribber - Toyota KR506 - that goes with my knitting machine. It has been laying on the floor of my bedroom behind a chair, with all the accessories and books, for the last 2 years. I haven't even attempted to set it up.

BUT ALL OF THIS CHANGES on August 22th when I begin an intensive weekend of study at The Knitting School in Seattle! I found them (actually her, Helen) from a machine knitting group on Ravelry. I immediately sent my registration form and check and booked my flight and I'm off for Seattle.

I'm actually getting there Tuesday, 8/19 to do some business, making calls on all the home offices of the corporations there (Microsoft, Nike, REI, Starbucks, etc) to personally introduce them to my "How Does Money Become Wealth?" workshops for their employees, and I leave the next Tuesday, 8/26 which gives me one day after the workshop to schlep around Seattle or cajole Helen into showing me how to use a ribber.

I have never been to Seattle before, in fact, the first time I have ever been to the Northwest was last October when I went to Calgary, Alberta, Canada for 10 days. Beautiful! And for anyone who appreciates nature like I do (remember, I live on Florida's Nature Coast) it was a feast. So now I will be in the Northwest that is all about business. Such creativity in this area! I can hardly wait - my camera will be at the ready.

And The Knitting School is located right downtown in an old, restored, historic brick building! So I decided I had to live the adventure and booked a room at the College Inn. It is right across the street from the University of Washington (college campuses - another passion of mine), and was built in 1909 for the Alaska-Yukon Exposition. There are 27 rooms, each with a wash basin and mirror. Each floor has a communal bathroom and shower - get that - no bathroom in the room! An adventure! I have reservations for Tues., Wed., & Thurs., and then Sun. & Mon. - no reservations for Fri. & Sat. So I could be HOTELLESS IN SEATTLE! I'll find something I'm sure. I'm on the waiting list at the College Inn in case someone doesn't show up, but there's always a room somewhere.

So - starting August 19th I begin a Yukon adventure - exploring a new place, spreading my business, learning something new, and casting my hotel room fate to the winds! Cool -

OMG - I didn't mention dogs like I promised - OK - that will be for next time.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Life is Good!

I'm sitting here at my son and daughter-in-law's house, with my doggies Buffy and Ronda laying here beside me. We had a wonderful dinner last night and Kimberly and I are going to the beach today, rain permitting. It actually doesn't get any better than this.

But close, are some wonderful things that are happening that are bringing my knitting front and center in the enrichment of my life, and hopefully, other lives as well.

First, as many of you can relate - I was organizing my stash, yet again, and made a profound decision. I have decided I do not want to knit with all acrylic yarn. And I have A LOT of acrylic yarn. Now, I'm not a yarn snob, well, I guess I kinda am - but my fingers just don't have fun with acrylic.
When I first started back knitting 3 years ago, I was thrilled at the cornicopia of acrylic yarn found on eBay that I could WIN! So I just stuck my foot - no, my whole leg - in the water of eBay yarn buying! Here is my acrylic stash:

So I found the Angels of Love! They are based in Florida and knit for all the babies they can who need a layette. I mentioned this to my DDIL last night and she already knew of them since the work of Kimberly House, a haven for mothers awaiting the birth of their babies without the support of husband or family, is very close to her heart and a charity she hopes to find more time to support. So fabulous! I'm going to box up this treasure and send it on to them on Monday. I talked with the lovely founder of these Angels of Love and she is beyond thrilled to have this yarn. And she said that all of her knitters, most of whom are retired and/or in assisted living, love this work of knitting for babies - gives their live's purpose and meaning when they aren't able to do a lot more.

So, let's take a count - my Pounds of Love, Homespun, Sport Yarn, etc. is uncluttering almost an entire 50 gal. container in my stash, making me feel good I found a good use for it, giving meaning and purpose to 100 knitters, surrounding new babies with warmth and love, supporting mother's at a time when they most need it, and helping me bond even tighter with my DDIL! WOW - as I said - LIFE IS GOOD!

tomorrow: Another blessing in my life - I'll just give you 3 words - knitting machine, dogs.