Finished Objects for those not in on knitspeak. I've been on a tear lately, so here are photos of my projects - DONE!

This is my new Buddy! It was originally started for another purpose (don't ask!) but has ended up as a beautiful sweater for my teddy, Buddy. You can't see it in this picture, but the left shoulder is closed with 5 little buttons - very cute. And of course, short sleeves - this is Florida! I didn't know if I would enjoy knitting with very light sock yarn, but I liked it a lot. I guess I will try a pair of socks - everybody else is knitting them.
This my Noro yarn

bag - the pattern is called Earl. The yarn has been done for this bag since 2005 and has been in my closet just waiting to be sewn together. Finishing is not my favorite part, but I like it more now than I did in 2005! I added some plastic needlepoint canvass to the bottom and sides for support - otherwise it's just a limp

Got another dog sweater on the needles today. Since stuff for business is so frustrating - my knitting is keeping me sane - or at least out of the hoosgow (do people still say this?)
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